Cool Down and Taste Summer with a Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho Soup Recipe

watermelon gazpacho soup

Cold soup? It’s a summertime staple.

This chilled soup is perfect for hot summer days and is packed with nutritious ingredients. Here's a delicious recipe that incorporates the cool, hydrating flavors of watermelon, yellow peppers, and cucumber, and the herbal freshness of thyme:


  • 6 cups seedless watermelon, cubed

  • 1 large yellow bell pepper, roughly chopped

  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped

  • 1/4 cup red onion, finely diced

  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

  • 1 clove garlic, minced

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  • Fresh thyme sprigs for garnish


  1. In a blender, combine 5 cups of watermelon, half of the yellow bell pepper, and half of the cucumber. Blend until smooth.

  2. Add the olive oil, lime juice, garlic, salt, and pepper to the blender. Pulse a few times to combine.

  3. Finely dice the remaining watermelon, yellow bell pepper, and cucumber.

  4. Pour the blended mixture into a large bowl and stir in the diced watermelon, yellow pepper, cucumber, and red onion.

  5. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight to allow flavors to meld.

  6. Before serving, taste and adjust seasoning if needed.

  7. Ladle the gazpacho into chilled bowls and garnish each serving with a sprig of fresh thyme.

Nutritional Benefits:

This Watermelon Gazpacho is not only delicious but also nutritious:

  • Watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, lycopene, and antioxidants

  • Yellow bell pepper is high in vitamin C and antioxidants

  • Cucumber hydrates and is low in calories

  • Olive oil is a great source of healthy monounsaturated fats

  • Thyme contains antioxidants and potential antimicrobial properties

Enjoy your gazpacho in a chilled bowl as a light lunch or appetizer on a warm day. A great way to stay cool and hydrated in the heat.

Dietary Considerations 

This gazpacho recipe is highly customizable, so you can easily adjust the ingredients to accommodate most dietary preferences while still maintaining its refreshing and nutritious qualities. You can also get creative and experiment with unexpected ingredients.

However, here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. Vegan and Vegetarian: Watermelon gazpacho is typically vegan and vegetarian-friendly, as it's made primarily with fruits and vegetables.

  2. Gluten-free: The basic recipe is usually gluten-free, but always check individual ingredients if this is a concern.

  3. Low-calorie: Watermelon gazpacho can be a healthy, low-calorie option, especially when made with fresh ingredients and minimal added fats.

  4. Autoimmune Protocol (AIP): For those following an AIP diet, watermelon gazpacho can be adapted to fit within these guidelines. 

  5. Sodium content: If you're watching your sodium intake, be mindful of the amount of salt added to the recipe. You can adjust this to suit your needs.

  6. Added sugars: Most recipes rely on the natural sweetness of watermelon and don't require additional sugars, making it suitable for those limiting sugar intake.

  7. Allergies: While uncommon, be aware of potential allergies to any of the ingredients, such as watermelon or cucumber.

  8. Raw food diet: Since watermelon gazpacho is typically served cold and uncooked, it's suitable for those following a raw food diet.
